I have worked on several "certified organic" farms over the years, both good and bad.
The little guys were always very cool (but broke so the pay was crappy), unfortunately the big players were just like any other big business.
Dodgy as.
Strawberry farms used prohibited fungicides, the banana farms used prohibited systemic beetle borer sprays(with no withholding, even though it was 2months by law), and the pineapple farms used a mix of blue copper sulphate and etheral in a dip, to ripen for market quicker, and stop mold forming on the fruit.
I'm not sure if that's 100% against the rules, but its definitely immoral, and not in the true spirit of "organics".
That's why I have never bothered paying the big bucks for the "certification".
Its just a meaningless bribe IMO like the "Heart foundation" or the "Australian made logo".
If you didn't grow it, your a fool thinking you know what's in it.
The Strawberries were sprayed only when "needed", normally only in hot summers or after frost damage, and by short term backpackers for cash.
The banana blocks with borer was cash again on the weekends, and the pineapple we were told its just like a soap/sanitizer to wash the fruit.
Peeled my skin around the fingernails and was itchy as when sorting topping and packing.
The farms submit soil samples/cores from areas of the farm that are not sprayed and tests are not very accurate anyway.
If there is an area they want to keep inspectors or council or Coles/Woolworths visitors off, they just send in a picking crew down to that patch for the day till the visitor leaves and say to them>
"Sorry we cant let down there at the moment due to Occupational health and Safety legislation. Its just too dangerous with the guys working at the moment, and the insurance company would have a fit. We can have a look over here at the Blah Blah Blah though"
Seen that old line to heaps of suits over the years, and its is actually in the legislation.
And the 2x a year "random inspections", exactly every months sort of defeats the purpose.
Its exactly every 6months, so even a dumb farmer can work that out.....