I guess I should specify that I'm not against meat and dairy in and of itself, despite personally being an herbivore, its the gross over consumption of macro or under consumption of micronutrients that is at the source of most physical degeneration both in Dr. Prices age and in ours.
The good doctor was witnessing the long term effects of low grade micronutrient deficiencies manifested by the shift from a relatively low processed whole foods diet as rich as possible in vegetables as a situation would allow (the case in nearly every traditional culture of the pre-industrial age, hell, the inuit even ate raindeer vomit to get their greens, rudolf the red nosed vomit... thats wanting vegetables!) to a new archetype of foodways in which people fanatically sought out and over-consumed polished grains, refined sugar, refined lard from pigs fed on grain rather than tremendously nutrient dense weeds and garden scraps, stuff like that. Quite like the standard american diet but without any nutrient re-enrichment.
Today we've put back in a bit of the nutrients lost in such processing so people can follow a junk food diet without being borderline deficient in a range of vitamins and minerals, the micronutrients. Now you dont see much of the cranial malformities he documented. The macronutrients are our problem. With a well balanced diet full of whole foods and vegetables, like the diets of the traditional cultures Dr. Price encountered, a person can have great health and typically a long life. Men can be sexually active in their 80's and diabetes and heart disease need not exist. This scenario, however, is not possible on the diet Sally Fallon (weston a price foundation) pushes. Many clinical studies show that consuming more than 10% of calories from animal products progressively promotes, even directly causes, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers, arthritis, MS, kidney destruction, difficult menopause, and many other things.
Mrs Fallon does have one point tho, she advocates consuming a more healthy type of animal products. Organic free range meats, home made yogurt, stuff like that. On that point the medical literature does support her.
Todays factory chicken is intentionally full of arsenic and injected with phosphates known to destroy the kidneys, todays yogurt is full of dyes, preservatives, and other chemicals known to be toxic, american bread is so toxic you'd literally be sent to jail for selling it in singapore, etc. So while I think her macronutrient consumption pattern (getting most macronutrients from meat) is at best dangerous and more likely suicidal, the types and processing of animal products that she recommends is worth consideration.
And not difficult.
Making your own yogurt is quite easy, for instance. Just a cabbage leaf or stems from chili peppers can start the culture.
Books like Wild Fermentation or The Art of Fermentation give lots of good tips for home processing dairy, vegetables, and even meat.
Dr Price saw people whos pleasure seeking desires casued them to eat in an unbalanced way, dont simply eat in an alternate unbalanced way.