This is the beginning of a long list, as I don't know what the proper names of any native Acacia are.....
I know you can eat the seeds and resins of some from doing a bit of trial and error, but that's about it.
Its gonna take a while to get the flowers, seeds, pods and leaves all in one spot, but I better start somewhere.
I will add more pictures as the seasons change.
Here is my first subject.
My best guesses are Acacia penninervis or Acacia falcata but I could be very wrong...
What are your thoughts?
Email me if you have any useful suggestions about traditional or potential uses, propagation or if you just want some seeds, as I should have plenty available.
Locals here generally regard them as pest species and the owner of my place in particular said I should cut them all out for firewood as he will eventually anyway.
Ironbark and gums are better value as timber and "those bloody wattles are just a pest", apparently...
Responsible environmental stewardship at its finest!