No way Da. I highly doubt it is branching out because;
A. Salvia branches from the crotches of leafs.
B. This is a top cut, not a mid cut.
C. Any branching hormones would have been canceled out from my massive doses of GA3.
I'm not sure if salvia can self pollinate. I'd be nervous putting cement on it though. I feel like it would interfere with it or something. If it is indeed a flower I will let nature run its course.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so, Saros! For a minute there I thought it might be my mind playing tricks on me...
Maybe it will be a bonsai salvia! hahah Man, if I can get 1(!!!) viable seed from this thing I will be STOKED. I will also be semi famous in the salvia growing community for discovering that massive doses of GA3 prompts flowering in salvia, regardless of size. Hey, a guy can dream can't he?