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Author Topic: Unusual vegetable seeds  (Read 2361 times)


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Unusual vegetable seeds
« on: March 15, 2019, 01:57:44 PM »

I saved seeds from some vegetables grown last year, and after planting them this spring, I have a considerable surplus of Red Orach ( nice looking red leaf, can be used like spinach), Aztec Broccoli (aka Huauzontle, a cultivated plant of the Fat Hen family, grown for its broccoli like flower heads), and Mapacho (UK grown, outdoors).

Also smaller amount of other veg seeds.

Id be happy to give them away if anyones interested, just pay the postage.

Im looking for Salvia Divinorum seeds and cuttings, interesting varieties of Opium Poppy and Coca seeds.

Ive been growing San Pedro and Acacia Acuminata for a few years, but very slow progress. Would be interested in varieties of these that do well in rainy southwest of UK, and any growing tips from people in this region.
Hope to hear from some of you.