Hi my name is Suspeciosa, and I am addicted to botanical propagation
I first started experimenting with aquaponics and permaculture about 4 or 5 years ago! My gardens have battled with fungal infections, pests, drought, and after this winter its first freeze(mostly my fault, shame on me haha). Even though these setbacks were challenging, I am thankful for the experience I have gained from my adventures in botany and I am happy to share all of my success and failures! I also have a passion for mycology and microscopy! Ask me about Myco-remediation if you are looking for methods to organically improve your homesteads soil and prevent erosion. I am VERY MUCH against the use of insecticides, poisons, and synthetic salts and fertilizers!!! The general public needs to be educated on the unavoidable damage that these products cause so they may eventually be outlawed before its too late!!!. I have never used these poisons and never will.I very much prefer non gmo heirloom varieties and these are what i stick with
[(A little more about me)] ...... My main interest is in medicinal/ethnobotanical/edible plants and seeds. I garden in a swampy, sandy, subtropical environment with humidity that rarely dips below 50% Because of this I try to grow many tropical fruits and medicines! I will upload some pictures of my oldest kratom tree and my general collection as a whole as soon as I get the chance! I look forward to getting to know everybody and spreading the springtime love! Thanks for listening to me ramble and remember..... Enjoy your toils in the Soil!!!