Humanity has long since dished out a death sentence to Mother Earth; Man has been propagating "invasive species" ever since we began to "domesticate" plant/animal/fungal/etc. species for our own use and benefit ever since the dawn of civilization. It is far too late to rectify this ecological pandora's box, buuuuut this phenomenon of foreign species taking over foreign lands does, as MP points out, present a wonderful possibility for propagating useful species en masse for the benefit of our own. getting staple food species such as berries, yams, kale, lemon balm, etc. to invade other habitats could drastically improve global malnourishment and malnutrition issues as well as stimulating public interest in foraging and making it easier for foragers to sustain themselves off the land and decrease dependence on overpriced, unsustainably wasteful grocery companies and the faceless inhumane factory-farms they support. From a purely ethical point of view, yes, this suggestion is radical and unethical; alas, this can of worms was opened many millenniums ago; rectifying this problem makes even the most delusional of pipe dreams appear as real as the air we are breathing this very moment; the best thing to do about these two issues (climate change and invasive species) is to select and spread the most valuable/helpful/nutritious/active/useful/etc. species we can all around the world in the hopes that they may be able to sustain mankind long after his sickening societies sink back into the cesspool of filth, greed, arrogance and noxious chemicals his "higher thinking faculties" gave rise to in the first place.