Hey new friends,
While I've enjoyed growing several species over the last decade, my current efforts are towards testing the introduction of USDA Zone 7 hardy plants of interest to my local woods, fields, and clearings. Soon will be my first winter with Desmanthus leptolobus and Peganum harmala in the ground. Also, I'll be starting the 3 varieties of Acacia acuminata from seeds indoors by a sunny window this winter, then to be planted out in spring.
I'd be curious to hear about any successes growing Acacias in areas that get frosts. I've read that A. phlebophylla grows in the region of Australia with the coldest winters, so i'd like to try that one here.
I'm glad to see that the forums here seem to be quite active, and i hope to share some of my experiences with certain species in the threads.
Glad to be here.