Long time ethno hobbyist here.
I have a 1800 sq ft garden in which I grow most of my own vegetables, spices, medicines, ethnos, and beverages along with a collection of cacti. Planning to expand that operation to 2600 sq ft, if my back and hip cooperate come october, so I can add more medicines and cacti.
I've managed to get my garden producing fresh produce 11 months of the year in USDA zone 7, and I plan to close that one month gap, so the veggies I like to grow are fairly diverse so as to make full use of each season.
One project I'm into is the absurdly slow process of selectively breeding cacti for greater cold tolerance. Consequently I have quite a few
and am researching ways to make them get to flowering faster.
So, yeah, thats about it, lots of planty stuff going on here.