The best thing to do is to accept that snakes, scorpions and the like, are a necessary part of our ecosystem. And that they do far better good than bad!
Really no need to be worried. Fear is fine. If you see a snake, simply walk away. If you live in a place where things like scorpions are common, def keep an eye for them in the garden and avoid them. Neither can move as fast as you can run
I personally love snakes, spiders, scorpions, centipedes...... most of the things that evoke primal fears in everyone else lol.
But my girlfriend is paralyzingly afraid of snakes and spiders. So much so that I'm certain she manifests them lmao Seriously.. growing up as a kid who rounded up all the snakes he could.. I've never seen so many snakes as I have since we've been together (now 7 years).
Last year I decided there were so many (specifically black racers), that I had to thin the population. I killed about 6 of them before I decided I couldn't do it anymore (remember that I really love snakes. I was obsessed with them when I was a kid and thought I'd end up being a herpatologist). But what one does for love
Well, I've since decided to start catching them and relocating them. Last year probably a total of 20. This year I'm already at about 10. Five days ago I caught 4 of them before noon. Two of which were mating... glad i got those suckers
Well, when my girlfriend found out about the four in one morning, she insisted we buy this stuff called Snake-Away. Turned out to be moth balls hehe. Probably work to some extent but everytime it rains... reapply. But you could try that.
I would also recommend NOT moving to Florida