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Author Topic: Eat shit  (Read 8908 times)


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Eat shit
« on: July 15, 2015, 08:00:20 PM »

Ha-ha sorry about the title  :D
But this thread is really about eating shit...

I want to start a scientific discussion about consuming fecal waste as food.
Many kinds of animals do it without getting sick:
Chickens, rabbits, etc...

I mean come on man, our digestive system is working very inefficient, almost all non-human mammals are able to gain and maintain weight without needing a huge amount of food intake.
Damn, chimps and gorillas are able to maintain a muscular physique just by eating fruits and veggies.
A human bodybuilder would need to eat his own weight in fruits and veggies daily in order to maybe achieve the same task.

Our ancestors sold their powerful guts and bought stoves and pots.
We no longer have a digestive system even slightly as strong as the average animal's one.

We can mimic rabbits and eat the predigested pulp that comes out of us, to pass it through our weak guts once more, and I bet our guts will absorb more nutrients during the second lap.

The only concerns are the "icky" factor and pathogens.
Rabbits evolved to take it down without getting sick, but we can instead cook it well to turn any pathogens into even more nutrients.

I might try the idea, and I WILL keep doing that if I be able to deal with the taste. I'm serious. I am even willing to post videos.
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2015, 08:23:12 PM »

It appears your obsession with feeces' acception grows slowly :D Coprophagia ...

Well a few facts that come to my mind:

You cant introduce a desease to yourself by eating your own waste, unless you already had it.
In Japan, as a theoretical approach to the waste problem, a hamburger patty was made out of feeces and was found to be good by a jury with competence in burgers. This obviously removed "icky" factors and pathogenes. Maybe its a myth tho: http://www.cnet.com/news/japanese-scientist-creates-poop-burger-surely-not/
You will probably not getting much from consuming your own waste, I highly doubt a quick thought or a kink makes you smarter than million years of evolution designed your body. Your body gets rid of certain things purposely and in my opinion it does know really well what to dump and what not, probably we havent yet researched and understood all the mechanisms here.

Dont want to pick on it but your argumentation is flawed here and there,
gorillas are the only truely vegetarian apes I know of and you cant compare a bodybuilders methods and goals with anything natural.
Also the observed inefficiency in human digestion might be a result of the modern habit of stuffing, obviously if people feast with no holding back the body must react in some way to not instantly turn uslessly fat, like not evergy storage fat but uselessly fat.

In conclusion I dont doubt my digestive systems efficiency or strength. If you want to consume anything go ahead ;) but I doubt preaching it here will make anyone follow the example or be highly appreciated :D
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 01:07:54 AM by BubbleCat »
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2015, 10:53:28 PM »

Fermentation is the closest i will get to eating predigested waste.

New Wisdom

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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2015, 11:41:51 PM »

One of the reasons we require more than some other animals is because of our huge brains. They require a huge amount of calories to maintain. And like BC said, we excrete waste for a reason. We probably shouldn't try to eat it or make hamburgers out of it like those Japanese scientists did. I'd much rather use it as fertilizer for plants that I will then eat the nutrients from.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 02:12:01 AM by New Wisdom »
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2015, 02:09:46 AM »

I'm not preaching it, we're just talking about a weird idea bubble.

And actually you CAN and WILL get diseased if you eat your own feces:
Cestode Cysticercosis (if you already have Taeniasis)
E.coli (lives peacefully in everyone's colon, but will become aggressive and attack you if you eat it)
In fact, oral introduction of E.coli is so dangerous that hygiene enforcement agencies warn about it to all restaurant staff, and put an special emphasis on washing the hands before attending to cook anything.

I might get shit analysis as my next project in school, and compare the amount of macro nutrients in shit and fresh food.
I bet shit still contains at least 50% of its nutrients, and they're easily soluble in water, unlike fresh food's nutrients.

About the body's decision at discarding the unwanted stuff:
There's nothing toxic in healthy food, or bodies discard toxins via urination, and shit just contains indigestible stuff (besides lots of not-absorbed nutrients).
By running the food (shit) another time through the digestive tract, you only help in absorbing all those predigested nutrients, and what you shit again will be mostly indigestible stuff this time.

Our brains only consume about 1000 calories daily at max, no big deal, and our lack of activity leaves plenty of calories for our brains.

I don't have access to chimp or gorilla shit, but I really like to analyse there shirts to and compare the amount of nutrients in their shit with human shit. I bet their's is mostly indigestible stuff with far fewer nutrients than ours.

It's like secure data removal; the more you repeatedly pass the input through the function, the better your results will get.
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2015, 02:49:47 AM »

Our brains use 20% of our calorie intake, and compared to other animals that's a huge amount.  It is a pretty well established fact that the brain intakes a huge amount of energy for an organ of it's size and that we use a huge amount of our calorie intake to support our brains compared to almost every other animal on the planet. I wouldn't say it's "no big deal"  it was a huge factor that brought us to where we are today in the evolution of our species.
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2015, 02:54:54 AM »

Please make the distinction in between calories and kilocalories, often confused but fatal if one really did, could mean starvation or brutal overfeeding :D

Usually your digestive system should deal just fine with E. Coli making it into it from input side, in rare cases, like EHEC, it could cause trouble but IMO only if your defensive mechanisms arent heatlhy in the first place. What you shouldnt do is getting E. Coli INTO your body like into your tissue and blood.

I dont say what your body discards are necessarely toxins, in most cases where they are detected as such early they take the same way out as they went in right away. But you eat, optimally by just obeying your instinct and urges (as long as its not combining carbonhydrates and fats in stupid manner), and still your body might not need or can not proceed certain contents in certain amounts at the time it is digesting them, this discards them.

Regarding data erasing comparison: The process gets less effective each time, still adding to the overal effect. Like with so many things the last 1% of the work is 99% of the effort. Now your body does actually put energy and effort into the process of digestion and it appears evolution has made the digestive system the way it is now in respect to the average access to food humans had through history. Means: If humans always had less food in their past the process would probably be different, if they hadore it would waste even more since the available input is the variable and as said, the first few calories, like glucose and such, are extracted almost effortless, the last few calories our body lies hands on require more effort. Thus said: Maybe when things get tight you should consider this to save yourself from starvation, as your body indeed dumped valuable nutritients, assuming you have average access to food and the last few calories arent worth the effort. Yep, another cycle might extract a few of theese leftover calories. Makes sense as long there is no actual food anywhere around.
Interesting read there, NW
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 04:15:03 AM by BubbleCat »
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2015, 03:46:38 AM »

Dude, bubbles, "20% of your calories" is the same as "20% of your kilocalories"
It doesnt matter if I consume 7 calories, 7 kilocalories, or 7 teracalories... 20% is 20% and 'enough' is enough ;)

I think I should give Radium an invite to a torrent site I'm on, they have video tutorials for this. The people involved seem to really enjoy it. Avoid the japanese vids tho, pixelated poop just sucks... so to speak.

As an aside, researchers found that radish seed uptake B12 into the radish sprouts, and in a bioavailable form. [1]
Mix some poop with coffee grounds for areation, plant some soaked radish seeds, cap with soil to contain odor, harvest microgreens. The container wouldnt even need drain holes, since its microgreens.
I wouldnt go to the extreme of a crappé frappé, tho.

[1] Incorporation of a high level of vitamin B12 into a vegetable, kaiware daikon (Japanese radishsprout), by the absorption from its seeds


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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2015, 03:49:56 AM »

But it DOES matter if "Our brains only consume about 1000 calories daily at max" a gold fish would have higher chances of forming a thought than I had if my brain ran on 1000 calories a day, altho the idea seems tempting sometimes :D

So I obviously wasnt pointing it at NWs post but yeah in your example energy is energy and a certain fraction of a total of energy will always be that fraction no matter on which scale.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 03:55:56 AM by BubbleCat »
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2015, 03:54:46 AM »

Well, yeah, you have a point there.
It never was a good idea for them to make Calories with a capital C mean kilocalories. Its the source of constant confusion.


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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2015, 03:57:04 AM »

Didnt know about kapital C, here any noun gets a kapital anyways so yeah ... they just mess it up in adds and idk what, not only confusing people but also effectively lying to them.
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2015, 12:38:50 PM »

Ja, I was tired of getting weird looks from people for saying kilocalories, so I just decided to let go and use the stupid term like everybody else.
I'm a chemist and as such I clearly know the difference, but all M.Ds, even on TV say "calories".
If these fucktard MDs knew a little kymistry like PDs do, the world would be a better place.

Shit turns to compost far faster than fresh food, that means it's easier to digest for microbes, because it's heavily predigested due to exposure to all the acid and enzyme in our guts.
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Re: Eat shit
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2015, 11:27:45 PM »

Sounds that " 2 girls 1 cup" is good movie for you...

Anyway, good luck with your experiments but dont need to updated me about them  ;)

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