Hello. I need a sharp/accurate eye for SI..
..so, after rummaging through what I thought was an unmarked Rivea corymbosa seed packet, and going straight to planting 4 of them, I later discovered my actual Rivea seeds
labeled and in different appearance all together. These seeds are smaller than gen HBWR seeds and Rivea seeds. Whats got me though, is that I already planted these 'mystery' seeds thinking I was planting Rivea before-hand..
..can anyone here(particularly seed experts) give me some hint, info or answer? This may just have to wait until I successfully germ some of these 'mystery' seeds and get a proper identification altogether. Knowing what I've planted would be ideal but not completely necessary.. this may just be fun in not knowing!
Now I'm off to plant some actual Rivea..
chow for now! Hope to read some helpful responses in time. Nonetheless, enjoy the day/evening!