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Author Topic: Typing format problems with certain devices?  (Read 8763 times)


  • The Botanical Madman
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Typing format problems with certain devices?
« on: January 28, 2015, 06:10:28 PM »

Has anyone else noticed that depending on which device they type out their posts on, that certain ones will register the format typed out incorrectly? For example, when I typed this up, I hit enter between each and every sentence, yet I know based on experience that because I typed it out on my Surface rt, for whatever reason or another when I go to post this all those enters creating new paragraphs will somehow vanish, turning what I just typed out into one large paragraph instead. Yet if I typed this out on my older laptop, like I did for the Annual Competition Of Plants thread, it registers the format properly and it looks as it should have. Is this just some common glitch that's hard to get rid of?


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Re: Typing format problems with certain devices?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 07:19:10 AM »

It might be because of the formatting difference between a standard (pc) browser and a mobile browser.
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