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Author Topic: Datura Inoxia I thought... Now I know its definately Datura leichhardtii  (Read 11331 times)


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A few months ago I sent 4 or 5 members Datura stramonium and some seeds I thought were Datura inoxia.
I now know that they are infact Datura leichhardtii, not Datura inoxia.
They have a smallish yellow flower and it never really opens properly like my other datura do, even at night.
Sucks, but AU-OS trade isn't cost effective or reliable anymore. Aussie trade encouraged, especially for cactus, dragonfruit, and colour fruited columns.
Hit me up! --> fairdinkumseeds.com/contact

Seed Collector

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A few months ago I sent 4 or 5 members Datura stramonium and some seeds I thought were Datura inoxia.
I now know that they are infact Datura leichhardtii, not Datura inoxia.
They have a smallish yellow flower and it never really opens properly like my other datura do, even at night.

Thanks again for your generosity.  8)


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Scrap that.
Its inoxia for sure after all!
I had a reasonably knowledgable friend tell me it was D. leichardii and when I checked google images, goggle disagreed with me and agreed with my mate.

Some vendors are selling it as such and there are some incorrect pictures on the web about it, BUT, I just had a plant scientist dude say no way, its 100% definitely D. inoxia, due to this this this and this.

He seems to more reputable than google images or my mate.
Sorry for the back and forth.  :P
101% sure it is defiantely Datura inoxia. ;D

Sorry for the confusion!
Sucks, but AU-OS trade isn't cost effective or reliable anymore. Aussie trade encouraged, especially for cactus, dragonfruit, and colour fruited columns.
Hit me up! --> fairdinkumseeds.com/contact


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Oh yeah, forgot to say thanks Seed Collector!
Awesome link! 
Its funny, I was just thinking it would be really cool to do some study so I can start to use the correct words when describing plants.
Got a pretty good self taught understanding of how they work, and what they need, but no core botanical knowledge or education really makes it hard describing differences and trying to get ID's.
Sometimes saying "that little frilly bit at the top or the stem, just near the leaf bit" just doesn't cut it  :P
Don't even know where to start on most of those "ID keys", but this will definitely help.
Thanks a bundle!
Sucks, but AU-OS trade isn't cost effective or reliable anymore. Aussie trade encouraged, especially for cactus, dragonfruit, and colour fruited columns.
Hit me up! --> fairdinkumseeds.com/contact


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Pretty sure I got some Datura stramonium seeds kickin around from my plants last season. I keep them in vaccume sealed bags in pill containers then put into storage. If anyone is interested I shall gladly share :)