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 on: August 20, 2024, 05:13:38 PM 
Started by TeacherCavo - Last post by TeacherCavo

Exactly what is in my mind too. Interesting plants that grow in colder climates is what I am looking for. Not only though.
I am in USDA 6 i guess.
Acacias just need a long time to grow big here haha, but there should be some interesting weedy annual plants

 on: August 18, 2024, 12:27:55 PM 
Started by valec - Last post by valec
Seems to be Halyomorpha halys, as far as google image search can be trusted.


(Nymphs of Brown marmorated stink bug)

Invasive species in North America and Europe.

If you find it, kill it.

If you want to help tracing the spreading of this species, send photos to lara.maistrello@unimore.it , researcher in Italy tracking this species.

 on: August 18, 2024, 11:43:12 AM 
Started by valec - Last post by valec
Found these insects (see attached pictures) on my chilli plants, left also some eggs.

Does anyone have an idea what they are? Are they harmful and should I kill them? Any recommendations?

 on: August 18, 2024, 05:08:59 AM 
Started by mrlb - Last post by Boogieshoe
I've too been doing work with calea z. I've been trying to clone it from vege cuttings . fingers crossed. I actually really like that plant. It's tea is horrid . like if you wanted to weaponize bitterness that's a good place to start .

But dried and powdered I think it's not bad. Def beneficial and ive underestimated its benefits for years.

Im also doing p.v. work. I mostly clone nexus the number one type from herbalistics. Got a few of them in 2017 and they finally are huge enough now for lots of cuttings . so I've been taking as many leaves that have the spines.

Does your p.v. have those little spines on the bottom of the leaves ? Im hunting for reg p.v. types to try to cross with my alba or carth for fun. But those spines are rare i think .

 on: August 18, 2024, 05:02:17 AM 
Started by Sunshine - Last post by Boogieshoe
From the old nexus site. There was always a kinda ad that said to checkout sts. Ive been a nexus member for like ...gosh 20 years now. Always losing my password though . I've had like 3 names on that site . i make a lot of posts about aya vines . back when everyone thought black ayahuasca was an Alicia anisopetala . I grew it and still do . another kiwiboancaya gift but that thing wasn't very good for aya brew in my opinion .

Anyway there was always debate about how it worked and or.didnt there on the nexus that I could post to bc it wasn't very good imo. At least not like a caapi or muricata .

 on: August 18, 2024, 04:51:54 AM 
Started by Boogieshoe - Last post by Boogieshoe
Huh. No welcome committee . must be the weekend.

I was looking at my thunder ayahuasca that i had shipped in years ago from kiwiboancaya or spelled somewhat like that , lol you guys ever deal with that guy??? He was always hard to get to respond for emails and shipping was a hoot too. But he d always send interesting plants.

One off which was this banisteriopsis of some type , def not a caapi but what i liked about it was it s growth rate was unmatched by anything I had resembling a caapi.

Caapi is already quick to me but this thing would root in the high humid area sometimes and was so vege compared to most caapi i have . like it takes a long long long time to get Woody . ive never drank it . but I pulled leaves off it tonight bc I though heck I'll try it just a bit to see. I was going to make clones too .

So I grabbed some ceilo cutting and 8 or so of that bad boy . I figure I may as well offer one or two or three up so that someone else can grow this rare banisteriopsis. I may be mistaken and its not even banisteriopsis but it's def Malpighiaceae.

Ive never got it to flower so it's hard to see just yet .

Curious .

 on: August 17, 2024, 03:00:25 AM 
Started by Boogieshoe - Last post by Boogieshoe
Hey it's boogie shoe here. Love me some plaaaaaants bruv! Lol yeah no ive been gardening like 3 decades now
And amassed quite the medical and ethno garden. Love it. I've quite a few gems.

Buy there's always another fish in the sea I gotta catch ..cant wait to trade. I'll update a plant list for everyone soon. Lately I've been cloning p. Nexus the original like Cray Cray . I can't wait to hear everyone's stories . im from the usa btw. Love international sites ....so much culture !!! Cheers everyone

 on: August 17, 2024, 12:47:51 AM 
Started by TeacherCavo - Last post by Greentoe
Welcome to sharetheseeds! What usda climate zone do you live in? I've just started getting back into this and my focus has shifted from trying to grow mostly tropical plants to ones that will grow in my climate without assistance. Phalaris, autumn olive, and cold hardy acacias are some of the first candidates on my list of plants to look into.

Your English was great! Hopefully we can learn something from each other.

 on: August 12, 2024, 10:41:48 AM 
Started by TeacherCavo - Last post by TeacherCavo
Hello people!

Great place here, stumbled many times over this forum the last years, but never figured out how it works haha.
Now i finally registered and am happy to share seeds and cuttings.
My interest is mainly in Phalaris and Cacti atm, but through the years i grew other interesting plants as well.

My has always been to grow my plants myself and be self-sufficient in colder climate. I know this is possible, thanks to inter-species variation of alkaloids and some horticultural techniques :)

Nice to be here! Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language.
Have a great day!

 on: August 04, 2024, 10:31:01 PM 
Started by NWFLArenegade - Last post by Pollinator
I came across it a little while a go whilst I was searching for a new Piper methysticum plant myself.
'Bright Eyes' definitely doesn't look like Piper methysticum to me, although I'm no expert. I'd still say I'm 99% sure it's not from comparing it to photos of actual Piper methysticum plants, and from memory of my old Piper methysticum 'ISA' plant. I found very little information about it online too, and the few other comments on it I came across also believed it to be a different species of Piper.

I agree it appears much more similar to Piper betle, in both its morphology and growth habit.
There's a lot of different Piper species so it would be very difficult to try and fully ID it, I certainly wouldn't be able to. However I have seen someone else call it Piper betle aff. 'Bright Eyes', which I also think is the best fitting name for it currently.

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