Share The Seeds

Share The Seeds Site => Welcome and Introduction Area => Topic started by: TeacherCavo on August 12, 2024, 10:41:48 AM

Title: Hello! (Phalaris, Cacti, ...)
Post by: TeacherCavo on August 12, 2024, 10:41:48 AM
Hello people!

Great place here, stumbled many times over this forum the last years, but never figured out how it works haha.
Now i finally registered and am happy to share seeds and cuttings.
My interest is mainly in Phalaris and Cacti atm, but through the years i grew other interesting plants as well.

My has always been to grow my plants myself and be self-sufficient in colder climate. I know this is possible, thanks to inter-species variation of alkaloids and some horticultural techniques :)

Nice to be here! Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language.
Have a great day!
Title: Re: Hello! (Phalaris, Cacti, ...)
Post by: Greentoe on August 17, 2024, 12:47:51 AM
Welcome to sharetheseeds! What usda climate zone do you live in? I've just started getting back into this and my focus has shifted from trying to grow mostly tropical plants to ones that will grow in my climate without assistance. Phalaris, autumn olive, and cold hardy acacias are some of the first candidates on my list of plants to look into.

Your English was great! Hopefully we can learn something from each other.
Title: Re: Hello! (Phalaris, Cacti, ...)
Post by: TeacherCavo on August 20, 2024, 05:13:38 PM

Exactly what is in my mind too. Interesting plants that grow in colder climates is what I am looking for. Not only though.
I am in USDA 6 i guess.
Acacias just need a long time to grow big here haha, but there should be some interesting weedy annual plants