Share The Seeds
Share The Seeds Site => Welcome and Introduction Area => Topic started by: businesslizard on June 12, 2024, 06:18:18 PM
Hey, nice to meet y'all.
I'm from the southern US, and I've been growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. for years, I have a small homestead setup in my backyard.
At one point, I was diagnosed with a condition that requires me to take medication that doesn't feel great. So I figured I would try homeopathic options. While they're not ideal, they're still MUCH better than that shit that comes in a bottle.
So I started collecting active plants and experimenting, grew some cool fungi, etc. But I've become sorta obsessed with the idea of collecting hard-to-find plants. Some of my favorites are not active plants, or even that hard to find/grow, but they're plants that you can't just go out an get whenever you want: Ecuador Palora dragonfruit, Sweet Granadilla passionfruit, Berbere brown pepper, etc.
But also, my active plant collection has been growing. Still looking for chaliponga and kratom for anyone interested in trading. Glad to be here, looking forward to meeting a few of you.
Picture attached is my latest addition, Salvia divinorum with some SP cacti in the backdrop.
Let me be the first to say welcome!
It seems some of us have the same calling and I believe saving plants & seeds as my spiritual calling.
I am amazed at the amount of pesticides and chemicals in our food, and in our environment overall. I was just reading about a common herbicide causing mutations in plants and in animals.
I believe in allopathic medicine, but I also believe in natural medicines including all food being medicine, and even attitude & lifestyle playing a big part. It seems that the business side of allopathic medicine is only concerned about making a profit which lends itself to treatments not cures.
I wish you well on your healthspan journey and on your plant procurement quest.
What is the meaning behind your handle if I may ask?