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Gardening Area => Growing questions and answers => Topic started by: husk on January 10, 2019, 11:59:16 PM

Title: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: husk on January 10, 2019, 11:59:16 PM
Hello everyone,

I had tried to get this one spread around a bit back in 2016 I believe, I know I sent out plenty of seeds in hopes that they would be grown but I haven't found mention of Mimosa Scabrella being grown on this site.

Has anyone grown it? I know I sent out hundreds of seeds, surely someone has grown this. My own experience was that it was a very fast grower with little maintenance, I regret to say I had to move and couldn't keep it.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: koacaia on January 11, 2019, 07:30:11 AM
I got a few small trees going and even saved some of your seeds, I could send them to you if you want. Mine didn't grow much faster than M hostillis
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: husk on January 15, 2019, 01:58:52 AM
I don't believe I need any seeds, from my memory I still have some I just have to dig through boxes in storage to find them again.

Do you have any pictures of the trees?
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: koacaia on January 15, 2019, 05:39:54 AM
I had taken a bunch of pictures as they grew up near some m tenuiflora but I lost the camera they were on. I'll take some on my phone tomorrow.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: gollum on March 16, 2019, 06:41:24 PM
Would love to see some pictures.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: husk on March 15, 2021, 01:29:28 AM
Hello again all,

Have been planning on seeing if there is interest in this again as I plan on perhaps planting some.

I have seeds if anyone would like their own.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: RatsboggleBiological on March 19, 2021, 02:20:05 AM
Yes! I too am interested in Mimosa scabrella and Incarvillea delavayi, I have been looking for alternate Mimosa species and an Incarvillea species for a long time!

I'm highly interested in doing a closely documented grow. PM incoming.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: Otorongo on March 28, 2021, 01:08:29 AM
Is this hardier than M. hostilis?

I've heard there is a mature specimen growing somewhere in England.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: husk on October 15, 2022, 10:16:02 AM
Any updates on this, I have been busy and haven't been back to check on things.
Title: Re: Mimosa Scabrella
Post by: valec on August 31, 2024, 08:25:24 PM
I would also be curious about the hardiness of M scabrella. Does it survive light frost? (Maybe -4°C for a night.)