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General and Off Topic => General Discussion => Topic started by: MirlitonVine on January 23, 2015, 03:57:21 PM

Title: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on January 23, 2015, 03:57:21 PM
For the past week or so I've been noticing the first signs of spring already. Japonese magnolias are beginning to bloom, maple trees blooming. Last year it was the end of February before these two trees bloomed. The elderberries never did loose all their leaves this year, many have been blooming straight through winter, they're trunks should survive the year and grow into monsters.

Anyone else noticing an early spring?
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: TBM on January 23, 2015, 04:41:46 PM
Just had another snow the other day that hasn't fully melted, still winter for the most part here in climate zone 6.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: New Wisdom on January 23, 2015, 07:30:28 PM
I'm in zone 6, but there are daffodils starting to sprout already. They usually come in february.  It's been pretty warm too. Supposed to be sunny this week. 
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: Chicsa on January 23, 2015, 08:40:57 PM
We've had an extremely mild winter thus far, as well as an extremely WET one at that.... Its supposed to be dry as a bone instead we've had 3x the normal lol.

Today was 80*F to boot.

Also, I've been to boston in late march, and it was stilll ad-mist a wild barrage of blizzards lol. We still got til March 21st to see how this winter will come out.
And for my state Feb is usually the coldest
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on January 26, 2015, 04:01:54 PM
On my way to work I snapped this pic, there's a japonese magnolia and a maple in bloom.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: TBM on January 26, 2015, 04:33:12 PM
Well I just got hit with maybe another 3-4 inches of snow last night, possibly more to come later today... the whether certainly is a bit wonky this year it seems...
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on January 26, 2015, 07:02:57 PM
Yeah it is. I was just curious what it's like in other areas. Of course I live at latitude 30 so spring starts earlier here than at latitude 40 say. But the signs of spring are def coming earlier than normal here this year.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: Auxin on January 26, 2015, 08:24:02 PM
Up here in washington its been nice with no freeze in the extended forecast. Dwarf mallow, Colchicum autumnale, and of course henbit are growing :D
Every few years my area gets a 'false spring' in january that only serves to kill the years production on many nut and fruit trees tho. But I'm using the chance to start baby mustard plants since a horrible november killed all my overwintering mustard seedlings
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: SlowGrow on January 27, 2015, 02:11:00 AM
Snowing as we speak here in Wisconsin, I could only wish for an early spring  :P
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: oplopanax on January 27, 2015, 03:02:46 AM
Around me (PNW), the Hazels were blooming and the Nettles started coming up before winter solstice this year.

The buds on a lot of the trees are already starting to swell...
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on January 27, 2015, 07:39:26 PM
Somehow the plants know what's coming. Maybe not fruit trees and introduced species, but the native species have some way of knowing. I figured the winter would be mild since the elderberries are still green and growing, the oaks didn't make too many acorns. Last year we had a coldest winter I remember and in the fall last year, the oak trees made more acorns than I've ever seen. They did the same thing right before Katrina hit. I like to think they make so many for the squirls and birds and all to eat during bitter winters when nothing is growing. Or perhaps some percentage of the acorns are killed and they make up for that with sheer numbers.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on January 27, 2015, 08:41:57 PM
My prickly pear is growing new buds as well.
He looks like one happy cactus.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: SoulGrower on January 29, 2015, 05:07:34 PM
Very mild winter here in zone 9b/10.  First winter I can remember when we didn't dip into the 30s.  Usually not uncommon for us to have a frost or a very light freeze.  I'm in a bit of a microclimate being close to the water, but 42 is the lowest I've seen so far.  And you're right Chickasaw.. much wetter than usual!

I'm super happy about it too bc last spring I planted Entada Rheedii vine in the yard and wasn't sure it would make it through the winter.  Looks to have suffered just a bit with only the leave tips browning.  And my caapi vines continue to look great and putting out new growth all winter  ;D

Shoulda started my veggies indoors.. back in december  ::)
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on January 30, 2015, 04:45:04 PM
I'm also in a microclimate. Zone 9b / 10 just like you, while areas only 25 miles north and west are 8a / b. when cold fronts pass through, the wind has to pass over lake pontchatrain, which is really a large tidal bay, thus warming the air.

We had one night that dropped below 30 and a couple light frosts.

One thing that I never knew was that latitude 30 during the summer, recieves more solar radiation (or insolation) than any other latitude, including the equator. The Amazonian plants we all love so much grow like crazy here during the spring, summer and fall, and seem to weather the winter just fine. They may loose they're leaves or go dormant, but our winter generally don't kill them. My caapi has endured freezing temps with no ill effects and my mimosa hostilis can take frost and stay green, although the one night in the 20s did fry it's leaves, but I'm sure they'll come back. Hbwr can also take freezing temps and stay alive.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: Sunshine on January 31, 2015, 12:19:31 AM
It hasn't been too bad up here in the North East. There was supposed to be some big blizzard this week but it didn't make it's way inland far enough to drop more than 6 inches. On the whole it hasn't been too bad up here. It's dipped below 0F a few times but aside from that we haven't had much snowfall at all. I envy you guys down south. haha
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on February 01, 2015, 03:28:00 AM
I couldn't imagine living up there. But it must be magic when spring comes up north and everything comes back to life.
Title: Re: Early spring this year?
Post by: MirlitonVine on February 02, 2015, 01:17:55 PM
Now the blackberries are blooming as well.

Edit: I noticed today that the native black willows have begun leafing out. There was a heavy frost this morning but the signs of spring are everywhere now.