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Author Topic: Very Happy To Be Back To The Gardens...  (Read 1522 times)


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Very Happy To Be Back To The Gardens...
« on: November 05, 2022, 05:32:08 AM »


I feel like I utilized this site quite a bit when I was younger, but alas, for the life of me would never be able to remember under what handle.

I have recently, finally, gotten off of benzodiazepines after a journey encompassing a decade-and-a-half (I hit my year mark this past June), and as such, I am rediscovering my love of ethnobotany. When I was younger, ethnobotany was my life. I loved beauty of the plants, I loved the happiness of the majority of the people that I knew through them, and I loved having something to just be passionate about. Something to give me drive. Unfortunately, I had a horrid doctor, who thought medication was 100% the way to cure any mental disturbance (I've got quite a few quirks, the main ones being HFASD, MDD, and of course, GAD), who immediately put me on alprazolam after a visit or two. And then, woudn't you know it, those pills, powders, and solutions became my life...

I pretty much feel like I am awakening from a multi-year slumber. A fever-dream, if you will ~ and as often happens when one dreams, I honestly don't remember a lot of that time. And this is a pretty tawdry thing, to be honest, because this entire time period aforementioned was essentially the majority of my young-adult life. I feel like I have missed out on so much, and while I don't necessarily feel cheated out of it (how could I? This chemical amnesia was a byproduct of my personal creation...), I do feel a bit morose over some of the more personal things that I missed out on, or just will never remember.

But anyways, enough about that... I hate to be a Debbie Downer. Let's just start with, well... Today.

Today I feel like I am finally ready to tackle life full-on, and with such, my love for ethnobotany has smacked me in the face full-force. It is one thing, that despite all of the stupid decisions that I have made throughout my life, has seemed to just... stick with me.

Nothing of my own personal attempt to do, it's just there. I feel that's got to mean at least, something ~ and as such, I am going to focus on it as one of my hobbies and passions. Plants are just amazing, I love them so much. They help to heal so many people, within their own, individual, and unique ways, and despite humanity's continued mental evolution ~ they still constantly throw curve balls, and baffle us with their different properties and hidden secrets.

I love nature...
I love phytochemistry...
I love pharmacology...
I love culture...

...and I love just researching how all of these things, despite being so different from one another, so closely intertwine within their respective fields. I feel like my mind was just designed to have (in some way), something to do with plants.

Here in the very near future, I am hoping to start back up my ethnobotanical garden. I used to (still do) love collecting all of these different plants, and to summarize everything up in a quaint package ~ I am excited to see what the future has in store, and to get back in touch with Mother Earth.

Well... I hope this suffices for an introduction, thank-you for welcoming me to your forum!