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Author Topic: DCDD newly discovered neoclerodane  (Read 10613 times)

Bufo bufo

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DCDD newly discovered neoclerodane
« on: October 08, 2018, 03:58:29 PM »

I dont know if this topic was already in the forum.
Here are great news:
maybe a new most potent psychdelic was found:
SALVINORINE A AND A SPECIAL PLANT - This is a matter for ISP (Inveterate Specialist Psyconauts). The plant Baccharis flabellata, one of the Brasilian “carquejas”, produces high quantities of a neoclerodane (DACD) which is similar in structure to salvinorine A, and like this is a strong KOR agonist (k-opioid agonist) in the human brain, indeed it resulted it is stronger than salvinorine A. It has been concluded that DACD has an action mechanism similar to salvinorine A. See:

SALVINORINA A E UNA PIANTA SPECIALE - Questa è una questione per PSI (Psiconauti Specialisti Incalliti). La pianta Baccharis flabellata, una delle “carquejas” brasiliane, produce elevate quantità di un neoclerodano (DACD) che è strutturalmente simile alla salvinorina A, e come questa è un potente agonista KOR (agonista k-oppioide) nel cervello umano, anzi è risultata più potente della salvinorina A. E’ stato concluso che il DACD ha un meccanismo d’azione simile alla salvinorina A. Si veda:

SALVINORINA A Y UNA PLANTA ESPECIAL - Esta es materia por los PSE (Psiconautas Especialistas Endurecidos). La planta Baccharis flabellata, una de las “carquejas” del Brasil, produce grandes cantidades de un neoclerodano (DACD) que es similar en structura a la salivinorina A, y como esta es un fuerte agonista KOR (agonista k-opioide); en realidad es más fuerte de la salivinorina A. Se ha concluido que el DACD tiene una acción similar a la de la salvinorina A. Ver:

Matías Funes et al., 2018, Antinociceptive effect of neo-clerodane diterpenes obtained from Baccharis flabellata, Fitoterapia, vol. 130, pp. 94-99.

Die Pflanze Baccharis flabellata, eine der "Carquejas" Arten in Brasilien, produziert große Mengen eines Neoclerodan (DACD), das in der Struktur Salvinorin A ähnlich ist, und wie dieses als K--Opioid-Agonist an den dementsprechenden Rezeptoren andockt. Mehr noch, es wurde der Schluss gezogen, dass DACD einen Wirkungsmechanismus hat der dem von Salvinorin A ähnlich ist mit vermutlich höherer Potenz.

Siehe: Matías Funes et al., 2018, antinociceptive Wirkung von Neo-Clerodane Diterpenes, gewonnen von Baccharis Flabellata, Fitoterapia, Vol. März 130, s. 130 94-99.

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Bufo bufo

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Re: DCDD newly discovered neoclerodane
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2018, 04:22:01 PM »

hello moderator please  ::)
can a moderator please move this thread to plant science?  :-[
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 04:22:24 PM by Bufo bufo »


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Re: DCDD newly discovered neoclerodane
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 07:47:53 AM »

That is quite interesting. Can anyone get seeds for this?
Living in paradise.


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Re: DCDD newly discovered neoclerodane
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2018, 07:09:52 PM »

On ebay there are several Baccharis spp. but not the Baccharis Flabellata.
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: DCDD newly discovered neoclerodane
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2018, 03:19:27 PM »

Best time to sow is 5 years ago...